Friday, 28 November 2014

Long time no see

I've not slept for 36 hours so this maybe a little incoherent. Since my last post I've completed the 3D Printer project. On a personal note it only cost me £50 to complete as I've an array of junk parts to source from. The stepper drivers amazingly were only £1 each the A2 stainless rods were $15.50 and the rest was for the extruder as I didn't fancy building that. One of the steppers is from a 1990 era dialysis machine and boasts 0.8 degrees a step. I'm overrunning these steppers to 200% for speed Vs. moving mass and they require heat sinks else they bind up and loose steps (yee-haw).

Secondly; I've made the smallest watch in my collection (32x32x7mm). It's only on the second prototype so it's a little junky-funk. expect some images to appear in a day or so. The third prototype will incorporate Blue-tooth (BLE) a nRF8001 chip from nordic. I'm still wrestling with the ACI (Application Command Interface) Thats has some silly features like command credits. my C++ Fu isn't strong so understanding some of the *euch* Arduino examples is tricky but getting there slowly. It's probably going to just have a UART link between the watch and phone with a custom app that bangs all the notifications to it.

while( !BrainWorking ) {_nop;} 
work( );